MON8:00AM - 5:00PM
TUE 8:00AM - 5:00PM
WED 8:00AM - 5:00PM
THU 8:00AM - 5:00PM
FRI 8:00AM - 5:00PM
SAT Closed
SUN Closed

Birthday Thanks!
We've just recently celebrated our 20th birthday!!!
Thank you all so much for relying on us to provide those necessary services you depend on to keep the wheels rollin'.
It's always a pleasure seeing our repeat customers and we look forward to making new friends in the future!
Call VMS at (304) 768-6200 to make an appointment, or to just see if we might have an opening when you have some free time available. If you'd like to inquire by email, there's a "Contact Us" form at the bottom of the page.
Again, thanks for a great 20 years, and as always, "Let VMS Treat Your Fleet!"
Driving Directions to VMS:
VMS is located at 4236 Kanawha Turnpike in So Charleston WV, within sight of the entrance to Little Creek Park.
Driving Directions to VMS from Thomas Memorial Hospital
If you're near Thomas Memorial Hospital, you're closer than you think! Just turn onto Division Street from MacCorkle Avenue, proceed through the CSX train crossing and turn left at Kanawha Turnpike. You'll see our sign on the left, under the Atlas Scaffold sign.

Driving Directions from Jefferson Road
If you're coming from South Ridge via Jefferson Road, turn left at the intersection onto Kanawha Turnpike before the CSX train crossing.
In approximately 0.3 miles, turn right at the sign for Atlas Scaffold and the large WV State Inspection Sticker. VMS' repair facility is the white building on the left of the plaza.
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest!
VMS is happy to answer any inquiries you may have about fleet maintenance, auto repair, truck repair and RV repair in the Charleston WV area.
We try to stay as diligent as possible in checking email inquiries and we ask that you allow 1-2 business days for a response.
If you have a more urgent need to contact us, please call us at (304) 768-6200. If you're using a mobile phone, just click the "call" button below.
Thanks again for your inquiries!
Contact Information and Hours of Operation
Phone: (304) 768-6200
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
4236 Kanawha Turnpike
South Charleston WV 25309